Soulfully Strategic Entrepreneurship

The Soulfully Strategic Entrepreneurship podcast is for those wise and magical beings who want to create big impact in the world through business. Tune in weekly as host Chrissy Mellinger shares the real life of an online service based entrepreneur. You’ll learn the strategy behind creating a sustainable, successful, and aligned business. Hear from experts on mindset, embodiment, and so much more. If you’re looking for a community of soulful leaders who believe in ditching old paradigms, creating new structures and perspectives, and just rockin’ their own weirdness, you’ve come to the right place!

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Thursday Dec 22, 2022

Today's message is simple - take up space.
While the message is simple, the application can be a lifetime in the making; a lifetime of trial-and-error and uncomfortable as hell growth. A lifetime of awkwardness, changes, evolution, and things that are messy. Taking up space can be extremely messy.
However, taking up space is absolutely, non-negotiably, necessary for your business success and your success as a human being.
In today's episode, I share with you:
What taking up space means
My top 3 tips for actually doing it
In true role model, leader fashion, I am taking a BRIEF pause on releasing new podcast episodes. The Soulfully Strategic Entrepreneurship Podcast will be back in late Q1 2023! In the meantime, be sure to check out all 34 other episodes!
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Dec 15, 2022

Ahh, the dreaded checklist that tells you how successful you've been today and how much rest you deserve. Many people, not just entrepreneurs, have lived years of their lives dedicated to some damn checklist, believing it would help them get to their goals and achieve everything they desired.
Productivity expert Elise Enriquez explains to us why this is simply not the case and how a checklist can be a form of procrastination!In today's episode, guest expert Elise Enriquez discusses:
how procrastination can look super productive
how she helps her clients get away from vanity productivity to truly effect change and transformation in their lives
how to truly find out what your priorities are
a fun way to remove the judgement and become a scientific observer of yourself
her #1 top tip after 16 years in business!
*The fish diagram Chrissy discusses in the episode is called an Ishikawa Diagram.*
Elise Enriquez is a Productivity Coach who guides people to breakthroughs in life and business by making the most of their time. Breakthroughs are what lead to success in business and life. Elise is your guide for discovering and doing what matters so you and your team take steps and leap forward to your next achievement. She takes her experience in the operational world of Corporate America, the entrepreneurial world of Real Estate, and the transformational world of Coaching to help you move forward with what matters most.  
If you're ready for a productivity training system, program, and support system in one, check out GYST (Get Your Shit Together) here!
Grab Your Top 3 Sanity Saving Systems for the Holidays here (it's free!)
Check out other great tools Elise uses here
Connect with Elise
the Productivity Breakthrough Podcast
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

The phrase "comfort zone" is a perfect misnomer. Your comfort zone is not the place where you are most content, fulfilled, or satisfied.
For many entrepreneurs, it's where your success ends.
When you focus exclusively on the comfort zone and prioritize minimizing the awkwardness, fears, nervousness, and discomfort of expanding past it, you immediately dilute your potential for success. Growth happens outside of your comfort zone for you must expand into the next version of yourself.
In today's episode, I discuss:
what the "comfort zone" should really be called
what to prioritize instead of the comfort, courtesy of a cute eggshell vs egg metaphor
Share this episode with your entrepreneur friends, loved ones, and anyone else who is diluting themselves, holding back their magic, and playing small.
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

In today's world, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. With so many people vying for attention, it is hard to stand out. But what if you were able to create a brand that was completely your own? A brand that represented you and your unique voice? If you want to learn how to successfully actually build an authentic personal brand, then this episode’s for you.
The first step in actually building an authentic personal brand is to be yourself. It can be tempting to try and emulate somebody else's success by mimicking their style or content but this will only lead you down the wrong path. The best way to start your journey towards building an authentic personal brand is by embracing who you are and what makes you different from everybody else.
Personal brand strategist Rachel Lee joins us today to discuss how she used a blank Google document with 1 simple question at the top to discover her truth, her ideal brand, and how she wanted to run her business in 2022.
In today's episode, Rachel and I discuss:
how important it is to be authentic and what that actually means
the potential consequences to yourself and your business of being inauthentic
tips + strategies on how to actually build an authentic personal brand that feels like you and attracts your ideal clients
Rachel Lee is a personal brand strategist, designer & creative unicorn on a mission to help impact-driven entrepreneurs discover their “secret sauce” and feel GOOD about the way they show up online. Connect with Rachel for a FREE 30 minute brand consultation:
Connect with Rachel
WebsitePodcast: Off BrandBlog IG: @racheltylee FB: Rachel Lee LI: Rachel Lee

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

Do you feel completely ready to do the thing you want to do? The thing that's going to move the needle towards your goal?
Or are the fears and self doubt running the show and preventing you from actually taking action?
In today's episode, we discuss this nonsense myth that says you have to be 1000% ready BEFORE you do the thing. Whatever that thing is - showing up and being visible in your business, launching a new offer, or pitching yourself for a new opportunity. 
Seriously, it's not about being COMPLETELY READY or FULLY CONFIDENT.
So what is it about, then? If it doesn't require readiness beyond the shadow of a doubt, what does it require?
It requires the desire to do the damn thing. That desire needs to be greater than the fear that comes with it. That's it. That's as simple as it really is.
No worries sunshine, I also give you a 3 step practical application so you can take this simple truth and actually implement it. Tune in now for all the juicy details!
If fears and self doubt are blocking you from showing up and being visible in your business, book a Visibility Primer session with me and clear those blocks so you can show up and build the business (and life) of your wildest dreams!
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Nov 17, 2022

Do you dread launching a new service or offer?
When you think of having to launch, do you flash back to previous failures where no one responded, engaged, or signed up?Do you get so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff that needs to get done for a new offer that you just don't create it?
After all, if you never create something new, you don't actually have to launch it, right?!
Luckily for you, and your clients waiting for that perfect offer to solve their problem, industry disrupter Sarah Hunter joins us today to discuss how you can Get Off That Launch Roller Coaster and Tame the Launch Scaries!In this week's episode, Sarah shares with us:
How to tame the "Launch Scaries"
Whether you need to be high vibe 24/7 to launch
How to move your energy to align with your goals
Sarah Hunter is an industry disruptor, paving a new way for coaches to launch their sell out programs without the launch emotional rollercoaster or using an over complicated strategy plan. She'll help you fall back in love with launching- your way.
In the midst of a launch or preparing for one now? Get your FREE hypnosis here!
Launch realignment hypnosis: Perfect for mid launch when the launch scaries rear their ugly head
Magnetic launch hypnosis: Become a sales magnet by being your best self (AKA authentic magnetism) 
Ready for a community of support and accountability to fall back in love with launching? Check out Sarah's Momentum Mastermind, enrolling now!
Connect with Sarah
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Nov 10, 2022

What do perfectionism, procrastination, and writer's block have in common?
They are indicators of deeply held fears of rejection and failure for many entrepreneurs.
When you struggle to write a piece of content for your business thinking that it "has to be perfect" or has to be the single piece of content that convinces someone to do something; you are putting far too much stress on that one piece of content and assuming far too much responsibility.
In this week's episode, I cover:
how perfectionism and procrastination are indicators of deeply held fears and why awareness matters
the division of responsibility when it comes to content and messaging
how to actively work through those fears and show up in your business
Ready to feel more confident showing up in your business so you can make the impact and money you want? Book a Visibility Primer and get to the root of your fears then SHIFT THAT ENERGY!
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

Are you struggling with energy management in your business? Do you feel resistance around showing up and being visible too?
Or, even more frustrating for many entrepreneurs is when they do show up and still don't get the results they want.
If any of these hit home for you, this episode's for you.
In this episode, I cover the:
Top 2 mindset keys to keep in mind while allowing your feminine energy to flow in its magical glory
Top 3 tips to boost your feminine energy and keep it alive during the moments of frustration
Most important thing to remember when it comes to the masculine strategy of visibility
That top line of marketing; the getting eyes on your business part, requires harmony of all your energies. Focusing strictly on the masculine structures and to-dos or focusing only on the feminine art of receiving will not help you achieve the goals you have. Harmonizing the two, however, will change the entire game.
Need help showing up and getting visible on social media or other platforms?
Book a Visibility Primer session with Chrissy to set your visibility strategy (and you big audacious goals) up for success!
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

What is authentic leadership and how can you actually show up as you in that role?
We're joined this week by military leader, toddler mama, and leadership coach Sara Czepczynski to discuss all things authentic leadership.
As entrepreneurs, we know we're leaders and experts in our fields, but how do you actually display that leadership while being true to yourself?
It's not about being the next Tony Robbins, Oprah, or insert-your-fave-creator-here. It's about showing up as yourself and exuding the expert industry leader vibes you have.
In this episode, we discuss:
what authentic leadership actually is
the #1 key to identifying what your leadership style is
how to prioritize goals so your authentic leadership stays true to you
plus so much more around being human, being a leader, and loving the messy journey that gets to be!
Connect with Sara
Chat about your leadership strengths
The Beyond Leadership Podcast
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Oct 20, 2022

Becoming an entrepreneur is not about finding the perfect get-rich-quick scheme.
It's a lifestyle, a way of life that is not for the faint of heart. The journey of entrepreneurship will show you allll the pieces of yourself if you let it; the beautiful and shining to the mundane to the downright hidden-for-a-reason.
It's not about becoming rich, copying others, or being trendy. It's about coming home to who you are and shedding the conditioning that keeps you small.
Connect with Chrissy

Chrissy Mellinger LLC 2022

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