Soulfully Strategic Entrepreneurship

The Soulfully Strategic Entrepreneurship podcast is for those wise and magical beings who want to create big impact in the world through business. Tune in weekly as host Chrissy Mellinger shares the real life of an online service based entrepreneur. You’ll learn the strategy behind creating a sustainable, successful, and aligned business. Hear from experts on mindset, embodiment, and so much more. If you’re looking for a community of soulful leaders who believe in ditching old paradigms, creating new structures and perspectives, and just rockin’ their own weirdness, you’ve come to the right place!

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Thursday Oct 13, 2022

Finding your path to success is hard enough without any obstacles.
But life has a funny way of throwing them our way. Struggling with indecision and confusion? Allow your inner artist to guide you back on the right path. Expressive arts  makes it possible for entrepreneurs to not only put their passion on display, but gain clarity in obstacles that would otherwise hold them back.
We often think that the answer to a problem we’re facing is outside of us. Decades of psychological research point to the opposite conclusion: The healing and answers we are seeking are within us. Expressing our thoughts and feelings can be an important first step in finding what is true; it doesn't always have to be through speech either.
In today's episode, I share with you:
the power of Expressive Arts (and what that even is!)
how body-based work can be more powerful than journaling or chatting with a biz bestie
some suggestions and tips on optimizing your expressive arts session
Interested in learning more about Expressive Arts by having your own private session? DM me on Instagram @ChrissyMellinger for details! (Please mention Expressive Arts or SSE #25!)
Journal Prompts:
How am I feeling about this offer, next step, or new direction in my business?
What's holding me back from XYZ?
What does the next level look like?
Who do I want to be? How do I want to show up?
If everything goes according to plan, what does that look like?
How does my Higher Self show up? Act? Live?
Research Links:
Art Therapy Optimizes Brain Function
Mind Body Connection
Emotions Stored in Body
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Oct 06, 2022

You've been showing up, making new connections, doing everything you can think of to get more eyes on your business and it's just... not working.
You're tired. You're frustrated. You're upset and feeling defeated. 
How do you keep going? Because you know you need to, you know visibility is a foundational piece of business growth.
Visibility fatigue is real. It's also completely possible to handle it and work through it!
In this week's episode, I cover:
the causes of visibility fatigue
the 4 best tips to combat it so you can get back to getting out there!
If you're struggling to show up for your business and get in front of new communities, I have a brand new offer for you! My Authentic Visibility Planning sessions will help you craft a customized visibility strategy that feels good and aligns with your business goals so you can impact more people and make more money!
Connect with Chrissy:

Thursday Sep 29, 2022

Do you have the confidence in yourself to create boundaries that support your desires in life?
Did you know you can actually use boundaries to bolster your confidence as well?
There is a distinct interplay here. Creating boundaries for yourself and taking a more active leadership role in your life have an impact on your self worth and confidence. 
If you feel confident in the skills you've developed and in what you are willing to allow, you will have more confidence and be more capable of creating a successful life. Your boundaries are important to your overall well-being. By creating boundaries, and making sure they are well enforced, your worth will be much more stable.
Boundaries help your sense of self. You will enjoy your boundaries more as they reinforce your beliefs about yourself, make you more self confident, empower you to take action and, ultimately, contribute to a positive well being.
In this week's episode, I discuss:
how to be confident enough to create, maintain, and adjust boundaries
how well-thought out and implemented boundaries can bolster your confidence
the important concept of what a boundary actually is - hint! it's not a punishment or act of control!
If you're desiring a more impactful presence and to take on a stronger leadership role in your life, book a Breakthrough to Confidence session through my website today.
Connect with Chrissy:

Thursday Sep 22, 2022

There is so much that needs to be done when creating a new offer in business. Right?
What if I told you that WASN'T the case?
What if I told you it is completely possible to create an offer without the overwhelm, without the stress, and without the fears?
In this week's episode, I discuss:
the 2 guiding principles of peaceful (+fun!) offer creation
the 3 requirements for really amazing, magnetic offers that sell
how an errant umbrella spoke can throw you off course (Listen to the full episode for this analogy - it's a good one!)
If you are ready to ditch your procrastination, perfectionism, and otherwise self sabotaging behaviors and beliefs, book a Breakthrough to Confidence session with me. It'll change the trajectory of your life.
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Sep 15, 2022

Self prioritization is one of the hardest things for people, especially women entrepreneurs, to implement.
The guilt, the stress, the feeling of being unworthy, the millions of other stressors and tasks to be done can oftentimes get the best of you. Then add on running your own business, reaching out for clients, doing the admin work, and actually enjoying your life and it can feel impossible. 
That's where this conversation comes in. My dear friend Amerdeep and I have a casual, and very real, conversation about prioritizing ourselves in the face of debilitating health concerns, growing businesses, and being human beings. Join us as we talk about the tools we use, the struggles that are still present, and learn how you can advocate for yourself to yourself and begin (or continue) to prioritize yourself above all else. And, perhaps most importantly, why you need to do so.
More about Amerdeep
Amerdeep is a writer and creative creating content to inspire, heal and motivate. She writes about well-being, physical and emotional health and mindset. Amerdeep also writes content for businesses and entrepreneurs.
You can check her out on Instagram and her body of work on her blog.
If you are interested in hiring her for your business's writing needs you can contact her via Instagram or her website.
*Disclaimer: This episode was originally recorded as an Instagram live video. As such, there is some background noise, but the message is important and impactful so take a listen! If you'd like to watch the original recording, I highly recommend!*

Thursday Sep 08, 2022

When's the last time you were in a liminal space?
The beautiful, and sometimes dreaded, liminal space - that transition space between what was and what is going to be.
We've all been there and maybe you're there now. As ever-evolving creatures of chaos, you'll be in liminal spaces quite often. It's a transition period which can happen in your personal and professional life at any evolution.
In this week's episode, I discuss
the liminal space I've been in this past summer and some of the ways you know you're in a similar transition period
people pleasing, and more importantly, how you can people please past versions of yourself
how to best utilize two key aspects of liminal space so it doesn't feel quite so ... uncomfortable
I mention the amazing book You Are a Goddess by Sophie Bashford; I highlight recommend! (I am not affiliated with this author or book, but absolutely loved reading it and learning from it.)
Connect with Chrissy

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

You want a juicy life, right?
You want to feel confident in your business and actually like how you show up online, right?
We're past the point of shitty marketing tactics, aggressive bro marketing, or passive "divine timing will make it happen" business ownership.
Now is the time for authentic leaders to step up and own their amazing weirdness, to use that unique power to grow their business, and to ohh heeeyyyy build businesses that support their real desires!
In this week's episode, I cover:
How you can uncover your authentic voice from the muck of societal conditioning and programming
Increase your confidence
Become the leader you want to see
If you're ready to show up as the amazing, powerful creature you are, connect with me through my website or Instagram to see how I can best support you!

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Have you given yourself permission to be turned on by your own life?
Quantum activator and success coach Nadia Gargallo joins us this week to share with us key permission slips we need to give ourselves in order to have fulfilling (and juicy!) businesses and lives.
Nadia shares some of the biggest lessons she learned in nearly 4 years of business, from being a health coach to becoming a feminine energy and human design expert.
She also shares some great insights into Human Design and how you can use your unique design for you highest good.
Nadia Gargallo is a Quantum Activator and Success Coach helping female entrepreneurs step into their full feminine power, create next-level alignment and unlock their natural magnetism. She combines her passion and skills in Quantum Healing and Activations, Feminine Energetics, Human Design and Business Strategy to help you build a truly successful business that's based on freedom, pleasure, ease and flow.
Connect with Nadia
IG @ itsnadiagargallo Website
Click here for a Complimentary Quantum Leap Session
Human Design Reading 50% OFF
Connect with Chrissy
IG @ ChrissyMellinger

Thursday Aug 18, 2022

"I really thought this entrepreneur thing would be easier." Said basically every entrepreneur ever.
To celebrate my first 2 years in business, I want to share with you the top 5 lessons I've learned so you can hopefully avoid the pitfalls and also never feel alone in this chaotic path you've chosen.
In today's episode, I share my top 5 lessons learned over two years as a solopreneur. Creating and building a coaching business during a global pandemic, European war, possible recession, and everything in between.
Tune in and let me know if you've had similar, or dissimilar lessons, too!
Connect with Chrissy:

Thursday Aug 11, 2022

"I can't do this! Why did I even put that offer out there? They're going to realize I'm a fraud!"
How many times have you had similar thoughts run through your brain as you started a new business, launched a new product, or even thought about pivoting?
We've all experience Imposter Syndrome, but how do you actually kick it to the curb?
In today's episode, you'll learn:
What Imposter Syndrome really is (and how it can be a good sign!)
3 ways to move past it without wallowing or getting stuck
Whether "Fake it til ya make it" advice is still good advice (hint: nope, not really!)
If you're struggling with Imposter Syndrome in selling, DM Chrissy on Instagram to learn more about an upcoming workshop helping you learn how to master social media selling with ease and confidence!
Connect with Chrissy

Chrissy Mellinger LLC 2022

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