Thursday Jul 07, 2022

#11 - You are worthy of investment.

When's the last time you invested in yourself?


But first, do you know that investing isn't just about money?


Nope! While most of the world will talk about investment being financial, it's actually a broader term to indicate your time, money, and energy. The three most important, and perishable, things you have!


In this episode, I discuss the fears holding you back from investing in yourself and how allowing those fears to be the loudest voices actually perpetuates the cycle of where you're at, and where you're unfulfilled.


Then, I leave you with prompts to think through or journal through to discover how your unique fears are holding you back and how to release yourself from them.


If you're looking to step into your authentic self, find your unique voice, and show up confidently in your business, check out my upcoming 3 month intimate group experience. VISIBLE, a mini mind for changemakers ready to step into their power and play ALL OUT, has a few spots left! Apply today! (Applying does not guarantee you a spot nor does it lock you in.)


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